Jumat, 15 Februari 2013


    List of reasons why the product or service is good.
Example: Teh pucuk harum
This advertisement showing this product made from the tea leaves are good for consumers.

    Makes product or service familiar to consumer.
Example: OBH tropica plus
This advertisment shows this product can cure common ailments such as cought, colds, and sneezing.
    Identifies product or service with an idea.
Example: Nutrilon royal 3
This advertisment have word “Life is an adventure” as the slogan of this product

    Identifies product or service with a simbol.
Example: Nike
This advertisement have unique logo as a sign for this product

5.Snob Appeal
    Associates product or service with a personality or lifestyle.
Example: Air asia
This advertisement showing a good service of Air asia

6.Cause and Effect
    Used this product or service your problem will dissapear.
Example: Garglin & Adem sari
This advertisement showing this product can cure some diseases in body by drinking two theses product

7.Emotional Appeal
    Uses emotion to sale a product or service (pity,fear,patnotism,happiness,etc).
Example: Mc’donalds (everyone smiles)
This advertisment show the people whos eat in mc’donalds can be happy

8.Price Appeal
    Consumer will be getting extra for less money.
Example: Hit electrik
This advertisment can protec you from mosquito all night long with low price

    Someone endorses the product.
Example: Sharp big aquos 80
Ahmad dhani the famous musicians support this product

10.Sex Appeal
    The product will enhance you sexual atractiveness.
This advertisement show the effect of axe perfume that can atrract women even his a zombie

11.Band Wagon
    Uses peer presure to influence the customer if everyone else is doing it so should you.
Example: Ipad
If you not apply this product you will era remainder and unknowingly everything.
    Gains the costumer attetions by confusing them and then keeps the attentions as the consumer tries figure out the messages.
Example: Harpic
You want new toilet apply to Harpic
13.Technique Jargon
    Uses technical words to impress the customer.
Example: Castrol Power 1
On the advertisement This oil uses technology for your motorcycle

    Associates the product with words or ideas that may or not related to the product the associate.
This society advertisement the sponsored by BKKBN

15.Plain Folks
    The Advertiser tries to identify its product with common people.
Example: Sunlight
This advertisement makes everyone especially common people want to use this product.

16.Glitering Generalty
    The viewer is given general feeling about the product but not much else.
Magnum Gold
If you eat this product than you feels like eating special ice cream plush.

17.Avante Garde
    The suggestion that using this product puts the user ahead of time.
Example: Samsung Galaxy Note
If you using this product you’ll feel ahead of times, easy,  and inovatife.

18.Facts and Figure
    Statistics and objective factual in information or used to prove the superiorty of product.
Example: Suzuki Ertiga
 This advertisement showing statistic and objective factual information about this product.

    Are used to suggest a positive meaning without really making any guarantee.
Example:  Ponds age miracle
This advertisement has said that our face will appear 10 years younger.

20.Wit and Humor
    Customer are attracted to products that divert the audience by giving viewers a reason to left or to be entertained by clever use of visual of language.
this advertisement has showed the women while in the car then she sees a man who is eating lays. Then when the man has be gone. The women follows him until to drive be speeding  a car to take Lays. Actually it is not conect with its product.


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