Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014


Maybe, North Sentinel Island is the most dangerous remote island fot touris. Not because there are a wild animal in the island or deadly environment, it's because the local resident it self. Sentinel tribe, the tribe which live in that island for almost a thousands of year. They don't like newcomer, they even willing to kill anyone who dare to come to their island both reasercher, jurnalist, or tourist. they still live with traditional way and isolated from civlization. until know, there are estimated 50 - 250 sentinel which live in the island.
Sentinel Tribe

In 1967, the india goverments want to record and make a contact with sentinel tribe, but they were attack by arrow in the jungle. in 1896, there are convict whose ship is stranded in North Sentinel Island and the body was found died with several arrow in it, and the throat was cut off. in 2004, when there are tsunami attack in hindia ocean, including North Sentinal Island and Aceh. Several marine from india sending foods aid to Sentinel tribe but they getting attack by arrow and spear and forced to leave the island. in 2006, two fisherman was found died when they fishing in that island. The india goverments try everything to make a contact with Sentinel tribe but is still useless.

North Sentinel Island

Noth Sentinel Island is one part of Adamant Islands from 572 island. Andamant Islands located not far from Sumatera Island.  The island surrounded by beatiful ocean and the coral reefs and also the white sand beach.

Actually, there are so many touris or researcher want to visit North Sentinel Island to make a contact with Sentinel tribe and study thier cultur. but if you don't want to die, think twice before you go to that island.

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014


Xi'an is one of the oldest city in china with more than 6.000 years of history. This city offered you more than enough place to sightseeing. Theres so many museum and ancient site in this city. You can just walk around on the city wall of Xi'an to enjoy the view of Xi'an city. Xi'an or Chang'an (The city name before Ming dynasty) is the capital city in Shaanxi province located in the northwest of the People's Republic of China, in the center of the Guanzhong Plain.
Xi'an 1908

City wall of Xi'an
The original city wall of Xi'an was started in 194 BC and took 4 years to finish. The most powerful tyrant, Dong Zhuo, moved his cort from louyang to Chang'an (Xi'an name at that time) in 190 BC to avoid warlords who against him. in 652, Great Wild Goose Pagoda began constructed adn the small one began in 707. The end of the Tang Dynasty mark the destruction of Chang'an, all the resident of Chang'an moved to louyang, the new capital. May 20, 1949 The people's Liberation Army captured the city of xi'an from the kuomintang.

Xi'an city also known as the muslim city of china, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang dynasty officially allowed muslim to entered Xi'an in 651 BC. Xi'an has a large muslim community and the most come from Hui group. there are 50.000 Hui Muslims in Xi'an. 
Muslims in Xi'an
Great Mosque in Xi'an
Now, Xi'an city known as the capital city of china, and the most old muslim community in china. 

Source :

Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014


Parangtritis adalah pantai paling terkenal di daerah yogyakarta terletak 2 km selataqn dari kota jogja dan mudah di capai dengan kendaraan umum yang beroprasi sampai pukul 17.00 maupun kedaraan pribadi. letak tepatnya adalah di Desa Parangtritis, Kec. Kretek, Kab. Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Sejarah nama parangtritis cukup menarik. konon, ada seorang pelarian dari kerajaan Majapahit beranama Dipokusumo yang melakukan semedi di kawasan parangtritis. Ketika sedang bersemedi, ia melihat air yang menetes (tumaritis) adari celah batu karang (parang). kemudian ia memberi nama daerah tersebut parangtritis yang berarti air yang menetes.

Potret diri di Parangtritis

Parangtritis adalah sebuah pantai yang landai  dan mempesona yang dikombinasikan dengan bukit berbatu, bukit pasir, dengan pasir berwarna putih ke abu-abuan. pantai ini merupakan kawasan wisata yang sempurna untuk menikmati matahati tenggelam atau sunset.

 Di pinggir pantai juga terdapat fasilitas penginapan serta warung makan, jadi kalian tidak perlu khawatir apabila datang dari tempat yang jauh bisa menginap di pinggir pantai. harga penginapan disana juga terbilang cukup murah.

Selain fasilitas penginapan dan warung makan, pantai ini juga menawarkan fasilitas penyewaan dokar (kereta kuda) dan motor ATV. Jika kita menyewa dokar, kita akan dibawa berkeliling menyisir pinggiran pantai dengan menikmati pemandangan serta angin pantai yang bertiup. jika kalian ingin petualangan yang lebih ekstrim kalian dapat menyewa motor ATV dan berkeliling pantai melewati bukit-bukit yang berada di sekitar pantai. Jadi jika kalian berkunjung ke Yogyakarta jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi pantai indah ini.
Dokar (kereta kuda)
Motor ATV